How Vite Makes Development Faster and Smoother

We all can agree that working on a ReactJS project often feels like managing a puzzle, especially with Create React App (CRA) when you are almost out of temper waiting for your development server to kick into action. In April 2022, Evan came up with a solution to this hurdle. Vite is not just a build tool; it's your shortcut to a faster, smoother workflow. Let's dig in more:

The original intention of Vite was speed, which would help eliminate the frustrating delays that come with traditional bundlers. As projects get bigger it makes hot module replacement slower, Vite swings to solve these problems. It uses modern browser features while skipping unnecessary steps during development, keeping your workflow fast and smooth.

Hot Module Replacement (HMR)

Hot Module Replacement (HMR) is what some will call the magic for developers, and it's one of Vite's coolest features. So when you make changes, instead of reloading the whole page, HMR only updates the specific parts of your code that changes were made. What this means is that you get instant feedback, not unnecessarily waiting around for a refresh. If you are working on a form, your app's state (like filled forms or the page you're on) stays exactly as it was, so you can keep working without interruptions. Vite makes HMR better by helping us skip unnecessary steps.

The Old-School Struggle

Back in the day, JavaScript didn't have a built-in way to organize code into nice, reusable chunks called modules. Developers had to get creative with systems like AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) or CommonJS to structure their code. Sounds great, right? Well, not for browsers; those formats were like a foreign language to them. To fix that, tools like Webpack or Parcel had to step in, bundle everything up, and spit out a single file the browser could understand. It's like translating a novel into one readable chapter.

Now, here's where Vite comes in to save the day. Before browsers started supporting native ES modules, developers had no choice but to bundle everything manually. It was pretty. Vite makes life way easier by skipping the heavy bundling process and using modern browser features to load your code.

Bundling: What Vite Does Right

Bundling is a process in web development where all your files, like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, are put together in a single file. This will help browsers load your website smoothly in production.

As almost everything has it downside so also does Bundling it can be a problem during development. Tools like Webpack and Parcel handle bundling and manage dependencies, but as your project grows and become large, the bundling process, you guess right, can become slower, which will in turn make development sluggish, users unhappy, on it goes….

Fast-forward to today. Modern browsers now support ES Modules. I hear the sigh of relief: This eliminates a lot of the work bundling used to do during development. Now, here is where Vite comes in. It uses this to its advantage by serving your code as native ES Modules, letting the browser handle most of the work.

Why Traditional Bundlers Slow Things Down

Bundlers are very useful, but they have their not-so-good side. For example every time you make a change to your code, the bundler reprocesses everything, like everything which can take up a whole lot of time. Now imagine what will happen when that projects grows, it means the bundler has more work to do, leading to longer delays. It also spends time analyzing how different parts of your code depend on each other, which adds to the wait.

Starting a development server can be pretty slow since the bundler needs to create an initial bundle before giving you the go-ahead to start working. These delays can interrupt your workflow, especially with larger projects. This is what really sold Vite out: it is faster and more efficient.

Vite's Modern Solution

Vite changes how development is done by skipping the need to bundle everything upfront. It takes advantage of modern browser features to make your workflow faster and simpler. Instead of bundling, Vite serves files as native ES Modules that the browser can handle directly. This means only the files needed for the current page are processed, saving time and effort.

The development server starts almost instantly with Vite since it skips the bundling step. It also handles large dependencies smartly by pre-bundling them with esbuild, which reduces the number of requests the browser needs to make. Plus, its Hot Module Replacement (HMR) feature updates your code changes in real time, without needing to refresh the whole page. This keeps development quick and smooth and focused on what matters: building your project.

How Vite Uses Modern Browser Features

Vite takes advantage of modern browser features to make development faster and easier. One of the important features is native ES Modules, which lets browsers load JavaScript files directly without needing them to be bundled together. What this means is that Vite can serve your files individually, and the browser handles the imports and connections on its own.

Another very key feature Vite uses is the browser's ability to make on-demand HTTP requests. Instead of loading everything at once, the browser only requests the files it needs for the current page. With these features Vite cut straight to the point and skips extra bundling steps.

Vite vs. Create React App

Vite and Create React App (CRA) handle bundling very differently. If you've used CRA, you know it leans on Webpack. It bundles your files during development and rebundles the whole thing every time you make a change. For production, it gives you very neat, optimized files. Solid, but as your project grows, it can feel... slow.

That's where Vite flips the script, skipping bundling during development; it uses the browser's smarts to serve modules directly, speeding up your workflow.


Vite makes coding faster and easier. No more waiting forever; changes show up instantly! It skips extra steps and lets the browser do the heavy lifting. Big project or small, Vite keeps things smooth and fun.